Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hmmm... those look good.
Ok, got one... now what??
Almost there.

Zoo Trip

The boys feed the ducks.
Both TZ and DG were able to feed the giraffe.
My hubby and the boys check out the giraffes from the ground.
My kiddo's and Tammie's kiddos pose for a pic.

Happy LATE St. Patrick's Day

Thank you Grammie for these cute St. Patrick's Day shirts.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This is a blanket I have named "Journey of Hope".
This blanket will be raffled off to raise money for Relay for Life.
Let me know if you want to buy a ticket.
The latest baby blanket I made.

Monday, March 15, 2010

So sweet...

Who says boys are not sweet...
I snapped this picture of TZ and DG this Saturday.
They are looking for their good friend Dylan!

GS growin', growin', gone... wait... where IS he now?!??

GS has discovered, and loves, cups with juice!
When you take it to refill it, he YELLLS!
GS has grown in to this great onesie from our east Texas friends! Thanks guys!
Why is it great?
It says, "BORN FOR TROUBLE", which describes GS perfectly.
Secondly, it is a Willlie shirt... need I say more?
Grady can:
  • crawl from the living room to his bubba's room in 10 seconds
  • throw a tantrum
  • say "Mama", "Dada", "Kayla", "Nana"
  • can stand for a short time with out assistance
  • eat 3/4 of a pancake at Francos
  • open cabinet doors
  • crawl up onto a stool and try to head dive into the bathtub
  • find any piece of trash (no matter how small), pinch it, and try to eat it